World ın my pocket

 Hello Everyone,

    It is an indisputable fact that we live in the age of technology. Technology has started to take place in education too, one of these technologies is AR. In this post, I will present an example of the use of AR in the classroom. 


    We had to prepare an AR task and, we were given two options for this. One of them was to introduce a foreign city and, the other was to talk about a world problem. Together with my partner Berrak, we decided to introduce a city. 

    After deciding what we can do, we started collecting material to introduce Berlin. We introduced two landmarks, a museum, and a festival. We used QR codes because AR programs didn't quite work. When QR codes are scanned with the phone, we see two videos, a 360-degree video, and a google art page. After students have reviewed the materials, they are required to answer four questions. 


    After collecting the materials, we created our worksheets using Canva, and we used the QR-code-generator site to generate OR codes. The only difficulty I encountered while preparing this task was that the AR programs did not work, but we overcame this difficulty by using QR codes and completed the assignment with my pair Berrak Kılıç

And here are the worksheets.

- Written by Görkem Aldı.


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